According to Tennessee’s Highway Safety Office, 149 people lost their lives in 2019 alone from being struck by motor vehicles while walking, and hundreds more sustain serious injuries from these types of incidents each year. If you were hit by an irresponsible motorist, you know all too well how devastating the short- and long-term effects of an accident like this can be.
Fortunately, state law allows you to demand monetary damages from any person who physically harms you through their own negligence. In such a case, a capable personal injury attorney’s guidance could be crucial to achieving success with your claim. Retaining a Bartlett pedestrian accident lawyer at the Reaves Law Firm, PLLC could give you the strongest possible chance of securing compensation without getting caught up in any legal or procedural roadblocks.
Unfortunately, the proliferation of smartphones and similar portable electronic devices throughout modern society has led to a significant increase in pedestrian crashes across America. Distracted driving—whether the distraction comes from a phone screen, a passenger, food or drink, or even a newspaper or book—accounts for more collisions between cars and pedestrians than any other negligent behavior, with many more wrecks stemming from causes like:
Depending on how exactly a crash occurs, establishing who was at fault for a pedestrian’s injuries can be extremely straightforward or extremely complex. Sometimes, it is as simple as referencing a police report written at the scene which includes a citation for a traffic violation. In other cases, it may require evidence from multiple sources, including witness testimony, surveillance and/or dashboard camera recordings, and even subpoenaed text message logs to show someone was texting behind the wheel.
It is also critical to show that a pedestrian was not at fault for causing or worsening their injuries through their own negligence, or they may be subject to a proportional reduction of their damage award or even barred from recovery completely. A Bartlett pedestrian accident attorney’s help could make a huge difference when it comes to building a comprehensive and effective case.
A driver found at fault for negligently striking and injuring a pedestrian may be held liable to pay for every past and future form of harm that pedestrian sustains directly because of their injuries. This includes not just objective financial losses like lost work wages and medical bills, but also “non-economic” damages covering various forms of physical and psychological pain.
Importantly, though, Tennessee Code §29-39-102 caps total recovery for non-economic losses in any single personal injury case at $750,000 most of the time, or $1,000,000 for cases involving certain types of catastrophic injuries. A pedestrian crash lawyer in Bartlett could explain these and other obstacles that might impact recovery efforts during a private initial meeting.
With pedestrian collisions happening at a higher rate virtually every year, it is more important than ever for Tennessee residents to know their rights when it comes to recovering from damages suffered under these circumstances. Fortunately, you have a right to demand payment for every physical, financial, and personal loss a negligent driver causes you, so long as you can prove their misconduct was the direct and primary cause of those losses.
Allow a knowledgeable Bartlett pedestrian accident lawyer to help you navigate the legal process and collect the comprehensive compensation you deserve. Call the Reaves Law Firm, PLLC today to get started on your claim.